Can any of my American Friends help??


10 Years
Mar 21, 2009
Wet Argyll, Scotland
I am looking for a book called The Wild Rose by Jennifer Donnelly, it is the 3rd book in a series, the first was the Tea Rose and then the Winter Rose. I have read both of them and really enjoyed them, now I want to read the 3rd one.
I was wondering if it was out in America at all as I can't seem to get it anywhere in this country.
Thank you in anticipation
When I look on it says it is currently unavailable

What kind of series are they? I might be able to check our local used book store.
According to Jennifer Donnelly's website, The Wild Rose will be published in the US in August, 2011. She does have a new book - Revolution - being published this month (Oct 13 in the UK).
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From the authors website....

THE WILD ROSE Is Finished!

(June 12) Wanted to let you know that I just turned in a first draft manuscript of The Wild Rose!

This third and final part of the Rose saga follows Seamie’s and Willa’s story, introduces a few new characters, and – of course! – brings back a few old ones.

"Finished" is a very relative word when talking about manuscripts. There will be a bit of backing and forthing first, between me and my editor, until we arrive at a final manuscript, and then proofreading and fact-checking. But The Wild Rose should be out in stores sometime during 2011. As soon as I have a firm publication date, I will post it in the calendar section of the Web site.

Thank you so much for all the encouraging emails you sent as I wrote this book, and for your patience! it might take a while to find this one.
Take a minute and check out Jennifer Donnelly's website. Even links you
to her FACEBOOK page so you can stay on the lastest and greatest news.

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