Can anyone help me figure out what kind of hen/roo that I have?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 13, 2011
Hi, I was hoping that some of you can help me identify which breed of roosters/hen these are...we were told they were barr rocks when we got them at 4 weeks. They are now 21 weeks old and do not look anything like our other rocks. Thanks! (I apologize in advance for any poor quality of photos)










The chicken in the 4th pic looks like a silver laced wyandotte. Not sure about the others except that they are all very nice looking roos.
He/She was suppose to be an Americauna (please excuse my spelling)...not sure what to think anymore!
Thanks for your compliment!
The one perched on the coop shutter and his 2 brothers we believe are banties. As The wife said their 21 wks, but are 1/2 to 1/3 the size of our other chickens that are the same age. The one that was said to be an Americana is 16 wks.
You have one Silver Laced Wyandotte pullet and the rest appear to be mixed cockerels. You got the shaft on that one. Sorry! That Red one looks like he doesn't want his picture taken either

They may make nice dumplings.
pic #1 is Turtledove pics #2 and #3 are Big Papa, and pics #8, #9 and #10 are Little Papa. ( the 3 brothers) and pic #6 Ridge Runner, pics #5 and # 7 Little Red are all 21 wks old but like I said the 3 brother I believe are Banties as they are 1/2 to 1/3 the size of are 2 red rooster. Turtledove was the first to start crowing at if my memory is correct 14 weeks, them Big and Little Papa followed suite in the next week, now Ridge and Red started crowing at about 19 weeks. Now the one in pic # 4 Ash is 16 weeks and only peeps.
Me and My father-ln-law said the same thing but Cajunchic won't lets us, And we will post pictures of the other 2 " Amerianas" as I think we might only have just one after looking at other peoples pics and looking at other web pages of chicken pictures. Just one question Out of all the pictures I've seen of Americanas do all of them have fuzzy cheeks, if so I think one of my buffs might be mixed with one.
I will not be getting anymore chickens from them again! Guess we will be taking them to an auction this weekend.
Oh well, this is our first time with chickens, we learn from our mistakes!
Oh, and no he does NOT like his picture taken! He struts back and forth across our run and as soon as DH gets the camera out, he takes off running!

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