Can anyone identify the gender of these two? **UPDATE, MORE PICS!!**


11 Years
Jun 30, 2008
Well, i heard that BOxRIR chicks are sex-link for wingfeathers, and that told me that Cairo was a rooster. Then, the friend that i got my Cuckoo Morans eggs from said if they had a white spot on their head, they were a female, and ashi did.

But, Ashi (so-thought poullet) Is starting to do that roo-call for "ive found some food!" and has gotten lighter in color sense these pictures. 'she' is also starting to grow very long silkie tailfeathers.

Cairo, on the other hand, has no longer tailfeathers and is still peeping.

They were incubated at the same time, born only about 10-15 min. apart. They are about 4 1/2 months old.

Here they are....







So, was i right or wrong? If anyone needs more pictures just say the word!
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Wow... honestly, I do not know. My first thought was rooo!!! But then you said they were 18 weeks old?

Both look like boys to me, sorry!
Hope I'm wrong.

I think you got some bad information, ALL barred or cuckoo colored chicks have a head spot when they're chicks. The ones with smaller more defined spots and a darker color overall are usually female, the ones with large irregular spots and lighter color are usually males- it's not 100% thing though.

I'm pretty sure for feather sexing to work the mother must be slow feathering and father fast feathering. Slow or fast feathering characteristics are not breed specific, meaning you can have both fast and slow developers in the same breed. So unless the actual parents were confirmed to be the proper type it wouldn't work.
I haven't had a try at one of these posts in awhile however from my still newb eye, I have to agree with the post before me. I think you have 2 roos there. My RSL pullets are about the same age as Cairo and Cairo has a way bigger, redder comb and his wattles are slightly bigger too.
I'd like to see a better picture of the saddle area of both birds, but I think I see saddle feathers on the red bird so I think it's a boy. The marans is pretty light in color for a girl, so I would guess a boy also. Better pictures would make it easier to give a more educated guess.
The red one is definitely a mistaking those saddle feathers. I can't see them on the other bird tho, so not sure on that one.


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