Can anyone recommend a good book for poultry color genetics?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Sep 7, 2009
Coopertown, TN
I am a total newbie at chicken-keeping, but am getting kind of interested in all the discussions about breeding for particular colors and patterns. But so much of it is very technical - all about alleles and genes and so on - it sounds familiar from biology class but it's so hard to really grasp. Does anyone know of a book that is more than a brief overview - I mean something that is actually useful for breeding, something meaty - but starts at a basic level and helps explain it in a user-friendly kind of way?

I'd really appreciate grasping this subject more thoroughly - thanks for any replies!
Is the print book out yet? It looks as though they're still working on it's release, but there is feedback from readers who seem to refer to a print book. I'm so confused!!!
I looked at the site but it doesn't say how to order to print book... there is a tab "Order" but it doesn't lead to any supplier or order form...

However I did respond to an email from one of the authors who said they would help me find a print book, so maybe I can get my hands on it...
Good to see this info.
My daughter wants to do her science project on this and we needed to find some good info. Hopefully I can find a copy of this book, too!!
I would be willing to help your daughter with her project. My students have performed very well at all levels of competition: state, national and international. My students had to produce a formal presentation using power point, make a poster presentation and write a paper worthy of publication. I have retired from teaching and spend most of my time writing.

I have also written a few research papers and given a couple presentations at a symposium.

I would be glad to help you with the experimental design and the statistics.

You are AWESOME!

I sent you an e-mail with a little more detail.

Since she's in Middle School she was thinking she'd just try to prove self-blue (lavender) truly is dominant.

We're working with a quad of matched lavender d'Uccles.
She already has permission to do this project from her science teacher, and I have a waiting list for these chicks after we see how they initially feather out.

So we have the physical stuff ready to go, but need to find more data.

(Her project ties in with mine, which is to breed out the wattles in my perfectly colored but not up-to-standards cockeral.)

As a later corrolary to this project, she wants to cross lavender with porcelain to see what the results would be. I'm thinking all lavenders and am hoping the genetics info sheds some light on that for both of us!

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