I had posted yesterday that I had found one of my chickens lying on the ground and lethargic. I had the night before realized that I had forgottent to take the cap of the waterer and so they didn't have water. (My stupid fault.) When I opened the cap they came running to drink. Well the next day is when I found my chicken laying down. I was checking her over and barely massaged her crop and liquid poured out of her mouth. It looked just like water. SO I thought maybe she had over drank because water hadn't been available and she was laying down because of that combined with the heat but was still looking into it. When I went back out she was dead.
Can anyone tell me what could have caused this? The day before she was up running around, no signs of illness, sickness or anything and the next day there she was. I had searched through the posts on here and heard some similiar stories and some people's ideas was crop stasis but wouldn't there have been some notice? thanks.
Can anyone tell me what could have caused this? The day before she was up running around, no signs of illness, sickness or anything and the next day there she was. I had searched through the posts on here and heard some similiar stories and some people's ideas was crop stasis but wouldn't there have been some notice? thanks.