Can ducks eat chick starter?


Jan 17, 2021
Hi I ran out of baby duck and chick mix feed and all I have is chick starter is it fine to feed them chick starter its also medicated until I have time to buy new duckling and chick mix raiser feed from TSC. Will medicated chick starter harm baby ducklings.
Hi I ran out of baby duck and chick mix feed and all I have is chick starter is it fine to feed them chick starter its also medicated until I have time to buy new duckling and chick mix raiser feed from TSC. Will medicated chick starter harm baby ducklings.
Can somone please help me I do not want to accidently kill the ducks.
Hi I ran out of baby duck and chick mix feed and all I have is chick starter is it fine to feed them chick starter its also medicated until I have time to buy new duckling and chick mix raiser feed from TSC. Will medicated chick starter harm baby ducklings.
Yes ducks can eat chick starter. Ducklings really are technically called chicks so just like they eat chick grit. Just make sure the chick starter you have has all the nutrient they'll need in it
Lots of people who don't have access to waterfowl starter near them will just use chick starter with extra niacin supplemented. There is some conflicting information out there about whether it is okay to feed ducklings medicated feed, I would suggest you check out this thread.
Thank you. Ill be switching back to the chick and duck raiser feed again once I get out of class and go.

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