Can ducks eat mustard seeds?


Jun 1, 2019
I have both yellow and black mustard seeds, hate the taste but dont wanna toss them. I just wanna make sure i’m not gonna poison my birds but havent been able to find an answer. Thanks!
That’s really cool! Your place sounds delicious. I wanna do something like that for them, hopefully, next year. Got all these different seeds but never had time to set anything up this year.
Mustard is a really good plant to plant on places where you want to grow crops next year. It enriches the soil. It is often planted on plots after the harvest; so the ground gets more fertile the next year when you plant the new crops. You often see them in late summer/autumn blooming all over fields. You can harvest them and make your own mustard! It's a tedious job to get all the seeds out; perfect for those short day-evenings infront of the telly instead of knitting or other "not so much daylight" activities. And the whole plant is edible for ducks :)
That’s really cool! Your place sounds delicious. I wanna do something like that for them, hopefully, next year. Got all these different seeds but never had time to set anything up this year.
I want to forage with your birds. ;-)
I discovered long ago that chickens don't prefer to eat grass and it isn't that good for them. They are foragers, not grazers. Grass it usually too tough and hasn't the nutrients to benefit them. They prefer to eat tender forbs. That is most non-woody plants that are not grass, sedge or rush.
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The ducks (runners) I know only eat grass when they don't get other food.. like how I only would eat a bar of soap if some disaster and famine if going on..

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