Can I feed 19 week old laying hens 20% protein?


Jul 4, 2021
Needing help in what to feed my flock of hens and roosters. They started laying close to a month ago. I am currently feeding nutrena 16% layer crumble but as of lately, I have not been able to get my hands on bags. Can anyone recommend a good brand that isn’t too pricey and w good protein to feed my chickens? So far they’re producing as they should. I’m happy with the quality of the eggs so far. I have 56 total at the ranch it’s coming out a little expensive to feed them lately.
Needing help in what to feed my flock of hens and roosters. They started laying close to a month ago. I am currently feeding nutrena 16% layer crumble but as of lately, I have not been able to get my hands on bags. Can anyone recommend a good brand that isn’t too pricey and w good protein to feed my chickens? So far they’re producing as they should. I’m happy with the quality of the eggs so far. I have 56 total at the ranch it’s coming out a little expensive to feed them lately.
Does anyone feed the brand high pro by chance? Does grain affect them at this age?
Needing help in what to feed my flock of hens and roosters. They started laying close to a month ago. I am currently feeding nutrena 16% layer crumble but as of lately, I have not been able to get my hands on bags. Can anyone recommend a good brand that isn’t too pricey and w good protein to feed my chickens? So far they’re producing as they should. I’m happy with the quality of the eggs so far. I have 56 total at the ranch it’s coming out a little expensive to feed them lately.
I feed Nutrena All flock pellets 20% protein with oyster shells served on the side in a separate feeder.
I raised them with 20% starter/grower and cut them off at 17 weeks. It’s been 2 weeks since I started feeding them nutrena 16% layer crumble. I’m comfortable leaving them at that percentage however, I was recommended to try high pro layer feed but I see it’s 20% is that too much?
I raised them with 20% starter/grower and cut them off at 17 weeks. It’s been 2 weeks since I started feeding them nutrena 16% layer crumble. I’m comfortable leaving them at that percentage however, I was recommended to try high pro layer feed but I see it’s 20% is that too much?
No, it's not too high with protein, but with roosters being fed Layer feed, the extra calcium causes damage to their kidneys.
Of course you can. Plenty of us raise birds on 20% all their lives, free choice oyster shell on the side for supplimental calcium. Its usually sold under an "All Flock" or "Flock Raiser" label. Nutrina and Purina are both readily available and generally inexpensive. as you go thru the niche brands, consider non-GMO, no Soy, and Organic, they become more expensive. Expect prices to start around $17-18.50 / 50# bag and go up from there, for much of the nation.

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