Can I get a little sexing help here?


In the Brooder
Apr 3, 2017
Hey Guys This is a follow up to some chicks I posted a while ago...

After having deciding to wait, these are supposed to be black sex link, but I'm starting to wonder if this is a roo or not.

any hints?
Boy for sure BUT it looks barred so it might end up actually being a black sex link. Just the male version.

Yeah looks like a barred Female, but crows like a male. The barred males I have seen are always lighter tho. I have 2 of these same color except the legs. The other has darker legs and and tail is slightly different. But waddle and comb are about the same.
Yeah looks like a barred Female, but crows like a male. The barred males I have seen are always lighter tho. I have 2 of these same color except the legs. The other has darker legs and and tail is slightly different. But waddle and comb are about the same.

It's how bsl work ;) as chicks females are all black. They grow up black and get some rusty red.

Male chicks look like barred rocks chicks. Black with a white dot on their heads. They grow up looking like female barred rocks as far as coloring goes because they only have 1 barring gene. 2 barring genes would produce the lighter looking male Barred rock look.

Sex links make it easy to tell the gender at hatch.

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