Can I house 2 turkeys and 1 pot belly pig together for the winter?


In the Brooder
Jun 13, 2018

Just wondering if it is OK to house turkeys with a pig for the winter? they would have a perch and we use straw bedding. They would be staying in a horse stall.


Pigs have been known to kill and eat poultry, so maybe it's fine and maybe it isn't. :confused:
I’m not too worried about the pig killing the turkeys ... they are full grown and can fly. I was more concerned if there were any known parasites or diseases that can be passed between them.

Just wondering if it is OK to house turkeys with a pig for the winter? they would have a perch and we use straw bedding. They would be staying in a horse stall.


A horse stall is not sufficient room for 2 turkeys let alone sticking a pig in there with them. @oldhenlikesdogs is correct that a pig can kill and eat a turkey whether or not you think so. All the pig has to do is corner the turkey and start eating.
I've seen some pretty interesting combinations. it really comes down to personalities. if they love on each other or at least tolerate each other, then lots of things are possible. I've seen coops with turkeys, chickens, ducks and a a large tortoise. pot belly pigs are often more mellow. there is a risk, but it could work, IMHO.

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