Can I incubate these eggs all together


10 Years
Oct 28, 2009
Beverly Hills, CA
Well I was planning on ordering hatching eggs from

i was gonna order just California Valley quail eggs....but.... I do want some fancy pheasants

these are the breeds of eggs im planning on ordering if its ok

California Valley Quails
Red Golden Pheasant
Yellow Golden Pheasant
Lady Amherst

NOT sure, but possibly
*Gambels Quial

*Albino Chuckar

so can i incubate them all together ?
As long as you're aware of the time differences in hatching dates (like different pheasants can have different hatching lengths, some go for 22 days, some for 26 or 27.... you'd have to look up each one to find out) then you should be find to incubate them together. They all need approximately the same temp and humidity, just different times to stop turning them. So if you're prepared and have a way to stop turning some but not all of them, then you can probably go for it.
Go for it.. Now do the babies like similar when they hatch ? If so i would seperate the eggs at lockodwn into a small contanier I have heard that strawberry continers do well... That way you would know which baby was which

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