Can I let my broody chicken hatch Peafowl eggs?


Crazy chicken lady
Mar 27, 2020
Southwestern Pennsylvania
My Coop
My Coop
I’d like to add some peafowl to my flock. Who has hatched peafowl under a broody chicken? I freerange my flock and my hope is to allow the peafowl to live with the chickens. I am aware of the risks of keeping peafowl with chickens and free ranging peafowl. I only want to hear of stories of allowing a broody chicken raise peafowl.
Both chickens and turkeys can raise peachicks.
Wonderful. Do you let your peahens live in the chicken coop? Did you build higher roosts for them or do they use the chicken’s roosts? Do you just feed the whole flock all flock feed? Do they all free range? And do you have recommendations for where to buy hatching eggs? I wanted to order from 2-3 different breeders to ensure a better genetic diversity.
I have let my broody Muscovy ducks sit on peacock eggs. Eggs are about the same size. Worked very well as long as I removed the egg as soon as there was any sign of hatching. Otherwise the ducks killed the first 2 that hatched.
Sorry can't offer any advice on having chickens live with peacocks other than the peacocks need so much more room than a chicken does. We keep our ducks, chickens, and peacocks each in their own coop and run.
We have let a chicken momma raise up to three peachicks to maturity. The problem is that if it is late in the year the chicken can not cover three big peas to keep them all warm if it gets really cold. Yes, they preferred the coop because that is what momma taught them. We also had to keep a close eye on the health of the chicks as the chicken mom taught the chicks to eat nasty stuff that a peahen would not.
Wonderful. Do you let your peahens live in the chicken coop? Did you build higher roosts for them or do they use the chicken’s roosts? Do you just feed the whole flock all flock feed? Do they all free range? And do you have recommendations for where to buy hatching eggs? I wanted to order from 2-3 different breeders to ensure a better genetic diversity.
I am raising peacocks 🦚 with my chickens. I've had no issues at all. I feed the peacocks game bird feed a bit higher than the chickens are comfortable eating. Now have 2 peacock eggs under a brooding chicken. I'm hoping for them to hatch.

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