can I mix these chicks?


Pheasant Obsessed
11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
The Sticks, Vermont
I have 2, 6 week (7 on Monday) chicks and I have 3, 5 week (6 on Wednesday) that I want to put into the coop. The 5 weekers are BR and the 6 weekers are LH. Can I put them into the same cage as I am putting them into the coop.
How big is the cage. I have had success putting different age chicks together when I put them in a new coop together but its usually a grow out pen so there aren't any other birds already there. I find they are so intimadated when you put them into a new coop they forget about picking on each other. I usually do it in the evening and they roost together that night and seem fine the next morning, no pecking or squabling.If the cage is big enough for them to get away from one another it should be ok
Surprisingly, these birds are not very large at all.

They will only be in there until the big birds in the coop are used to them.

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