Can I put 5 one day old serama chicks with 15 two week old chicks?


8 Years
Apr 2, 2011
I've been considering getting 5 serama bantam chicks. The only problem is that I'm not sure if I will be able to mix them with my 15 two week old chicks? Oh and if helps, I have 5 RIR, 5 buff Orpington, 2 light brahmas, 1 red star, 1 silver laced Wyandotte, and 1 barred rock. They are all pullets except for one if the brahmas, which we expect may be a rooster. Is it safe to mix?! Help!
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
I have mixed these ages before but not with bantams. You will need to monitor the situation carefully. There will need to be plenty of room in the brooder and the temperature needs to be right so they don't pile up. Also observe how the older chicks respond to the new additions. There cannot be any pecking or other behaviors like preventing the little guys from eating. Still not sure about the bantams though.

NO, those little bitty chicks will get squished. Keep them separate, I'd keep them in a tote in my house using heavy duty paper towels as bedding for at least a week or two. It is hard to mix different size birds and different ages, the older, bigger ones will be too much for the little ones. Right now in my in-house brooder for bantams, I have added just hatched reg sized chicks, but they will go to a different brooder after 3 days, when they can be on shavings for bedding. Good luck! HenZ

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