I have a Gold Top Hen (crossbreed between golden silkie rooster and light Sussex hen) and she is extremely broody. She started to lay when she was 7 month old and she is now turning 9 month old but has gone broody for 4 times. I usually break her by putting her in cold water and don't allow her to go to nest box.
As winter is approaching I don't want her to hatch chicks now so I am planning chicks for next spring.
I am just wondering is it possible for her to hatch some Bantam chicks as I found those ones more esay to sell since I live in city and majority wants to keep chicken as pet, smaller ones are easier to keep.
I will leave 2-3 chicks for her to raise and sell others.
I am just worried if she will smash the small eggs or found smaller chicks difficult to take care of?
If anyone has similar experiences please advise me.
Thanks a lot