can someone tell me whats caused this eye problem. worms??


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jan 6, 2015
i noticed one of my oeg bantams had a swollen eye about a week ago . i seperated her immediatly thinking it was a peck injury bathed in a little water and she appears to be making a good recovery,however yesterday i noticed another oeg bantam looking very sorry for herself i picked her up and noticed she also had a swollen eye,i did exactly the same and this morning both eyes are clogged up. here are some pic. she is not very well at all i dont expect her to live;-(

any help about this would be apprieciated in case its something thats going to spread,
i kind of suspected this .will it spread through my flock ? ive seperated the two infected girls. the trouble is im in the uk so alot of the products mentioned in the forums are not available here or under a different name. i have some advocate from the vets suitable for small rabbits it kills most larvae worms fleas etc, anyone heard of it or know if it will work? should i be disinfecting the coop? any preventitive measures i can take with my other birds? and are eggs still ok to eat?
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