Can you give too much chick grit??


11 Years
Jan 6, 2009
Southwest MO near the ARK line
I give my chicks treats, so I also give them the parakeet grit found in the pet department, as some of the experts recommended on BYC.
My girls are 4 weeks old. I put a little in their food each time I fill the food dishes....
I just need to know if it is possible to give them TOO much? Or if it would be better if I just offered it in a seperate feeder and let them take it as they want it?? Thanks in advance !!
we put some in their food everysingle time we give them some. you just never know what they are going to get curious and eat, and you never know how much they get each time so to me it insures that they will get it and be able to digest what you give them

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