Can you help?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 23, 2013
the top one looks like a speckled sussex??? I've got some right now and yours looks like mine. just a guess tho!

pics for comparison. speckled sussex is on left in top pic and directly below yellow chick in middle in bottom pic
The top one could also be a brown leghorn. I have two that look like that. My welsummer chick is very similar as well, but is more reddish brown. The leghorns are darker brown. I'm not positive though. I'm new to all these different chicks too!
The only thing I know is they are bantams :) The feed store guy thinks the top might be a golden Phoenix. He admitted he was new and really didn't know anything about them.
Editing this post to death. LOL.
The brown is definitely either a silver duckwing oe or Easter egger bantam. My money's on silver duckwing. I'll try to post pics of mine later; they were identical.
Does the black have feathered legs? If not, I'd say black Japanese bantam. If so, probably black Cochin.
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lol you will have to wait till they get all their feathers in at about 8 weeks of age. at this point they could be a number of different breeds from leghorns, to games, to welsummers, ect

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