Can you raise pheasant chicks with chicken chicks?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Nov 10, 2010
I just had one of my ring necked pheasants hatch out today and i put it in with my chicks that hatched today also. Is this ok or do i need to seperate it?
I'm gonna guess no. I have been reading a lot of the quail forum and they are basically game birds, same as pheasants. Quail can pick up lots of diseases from chickens. I'm gonna guess pheasants would be the same. Hopefully someone else can add some wisdom for you.
I find the biggest issue to be the heavy pecking that pheasants tend to do. They are not as timid as chicken chicks, so I would not raise them together. Pheasants will torture chickens and have a much larger space requirement to grow out.

Being that you have only one, you may have to try it to see what happens. The one pheasant may do ok and need them for comfort.
they worked out fine, i had to separate them from my chickens at 4 months to move to a pheasant pen. But currently i have a pheasant rooster with my some of my show birds, because i plan to show him. He has tamed down really well, i can walk over and pick him up, he only hisses a little.
Interesting... when I was a kid, everytime we put pheasant chicks with chicken chicks, the pheasant chicks died.

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