can you wing sex a frizzle cross


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 7, 2013
I just recently hatched out one frizzle cross I believe. I took the chick out today and looked at its wings. I believe it a boy since under the fluff the feathers from the secondary and primary feathers. They are the same length so I think its a boy. I wish it was a girl, but I am going to wait and see what it really becomes. Because what I have read I see you can't sex frizzle cross birds. What are you thoughts on this?
this is the new chick who I think is a frizzle cross it is hard to tell if it is or not because I don't know who the father or mother is....

it is double toed on the side back
You'll be able to tell if its frizzled when its feathers come in, and having a frizzled parent doesn't guarantee frizzled offspring.

It sure is a cutie, but you're going to have to wait it out

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