Candle today?


9 Years
Feb 16, 2010
Henderson, Kentucky
I have 11 dark BCM eggs that are on day 7..after a frustrating first day, the incubator has stabilized and has been holding at 99.6. I take them out and candle them or not? I tried to candle before I set them but could not see anything. Will it be easier to see today? This incubator is a little touchy and I spent hours the first day getting the temp right. But..I don't want to ruin the entire hatch if one has gone bad. Need advice from those that have done this before please...what would you do?
I usually wait until day ten. But you will probably have a hard time seeing anything in a dark colored egg. With those, it is a wait and smell kind of thing. Since you can't see in, the eventual smell will tell you if it is good or not.

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