Candled blrw day 7 :(


14 Years
May 3, 2007
North Central MS

Out of 27 blrw eggs in my genesis, only 10 are developing. The rest never started (except one had a blood ring). some appeared scrambled. Guess these 10 if they hatch will be $10 chicks lol. The other eggs in my bator that aren't blrw are doing very well. Of course the ones I wanted the most are the ones not developing. <sigh>
That's how it always works...the ones you want the most don't turn out for you. Hope the 10 that are still going all hatch for you!
I'm going through the same thing with my bantam blrw eggs. I have 2 out of 8 developing. This was my favorite too
I guess its better than 0
Oh dear!!! I am sorry to hear that.
I know you have some pretty expensive ones in there.
However, the way I look at it, if those 10 make it just fine, $10 is pretty decent for a high quality chick you really wanted.
Good luck with those guys!!!
I know how you feel, but don't give up. It took quite a few eggs to get the start on a couple of my breeds....BLRWs included. Some people's eggs I had no luck with and others much better.
that the remaining 10 keep going for you.
Monarc, these aren't my eggs. I have some of mine going in in the morning. The ones I have in there now are ones I purchased to increase and diversify my flock. I'm anxious to see if mine do any better for you than the ones I bought did. Some were certainly scrambled... darn usps.

I guess I'm on the hunt for blrw eggs........again! I thought this hatch would be my only blrw hatch from outside stock this year, but guess not. I'd like to get a flock of 50 to choose the best 10-15 out of.

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