Candled Day 9 Too Cool!!!!


10 Years
Feb 27, 2009
Hart Co
I just finished candling my 29 RIR eggs I have in the bator. Out of 29 there were 25 with little babies swimming aroune!!!
The other 5 are to thick/dark to tell yet.
I can see good air cells, but that is it. I have been such a nervious wreck the last two days since I tried to candle on day 7 but could not see anything yet. Since this is my first try at hatching eggs and they are due around my daughter's b-day I really want some to hatch! It was so cool to see them swimming around. I have seen other posts and even video of them, but it is so different to see it yourself!
I was getting worried when I could not see anything on day 7 since I have read so many posts that say they can things. I know it is harder to see through dark colored eggs, now I know to wait just a bit longer to candle them. I still could not see viens in most, I guess they are just to hard to see through brown eggs. I am going to show my kids one tomorrow, they are 4 & almost 6 and will be so excited!
I tried to candle my blue/green Ameraucana and could hardly see a darn thing either! Out of 16, I could definitely tell 4 of them had done nothing (probably infertile). I could easily see some veining in a couple, but the rest were so hard to make anything out of the dark blobs....I really had to examine to find veins! Still, 3 of them I'm completely clueless about.
I tried to candle my blue/green Ameraucana and could hardly see a darn thing either! Out of 16, I could definitely tell 4 of them had done nothing (probably infertile). I could easily see some veining in a couple, but the rest were so hard to make anything out of the dark blobs....I really had to examine to find veins! Still, 3 of them I'm completely clueless about.

I think that it is harder to see through the green then it is the brown. My 1 green egg in the incubator is the hardest to candle, hands down.
It was hard to see inside of Ameraucana eggs. I couldn't see anything inside of Welsummer eggs..... it was just impossible...... I love my silkie & Speckled Sussex eggs. I can see everything inside of them
Good luck with your eggs!
Gumdrops wrote:
So, how exactly do you candle your brown eggs. I tried and I could not see a darn thing.

It is hard to see in brown eggs. This is our first time hatching eggs, so I have never tried with anything else. I just used a small flashlight (I had to change the batteries half way through to keep the light bright enough) and cupped my hand over it and put the egg under that. I saw on another post to shine the light down through the large end and that worked better for me. I can't see the veining, but I could see the little ones swimming around. A few eggs I had to turn around and really look for them, some I could see as soon as the light hit. I plan to check the 5 that I could not see anything in again in a few days. I know they have a good looking air cells, so I am hoping they are good also. I showed one of the good ones to my kids this morning and they loved it! I think for our next batch I want to get a better flashlight to make it a little easier to see.

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