I candled 17 welsummer eggs from mother goose and thought 1 was not fertile - my DS broke it open and the chick was alive
I thought we were both going to die! From now on we will just put a question mark and put it back in!!!!! This is day 14 and the rest are all moving and veins
92 caddy - 3 of the 4 goose eggs have veins and moving too
I left the 4th one in just in case - especially after the welsummer egg
No I got the welsummer eggs set from Mother Goose, and only 1 came broken and she sent 6 extras
The goose eggs came from 92caddy when I dropped off a pair of LaFleches we sold to him. The people on BYC that I have been in contact with have been great
We have an older slide projector-one that had a tray on top- the bulbs are super bright- they work fantastic! As you can see from above the dark welsummer eggs are hard to see, plus this is only our second shot at incubating, so we're still learning. I got the idea here on BYC
Well, I'm going to have to get me one. Ebay, I'm guessing, would have them? My "Surprize Pullets" are mostly Welsummers, so now all I need is an unrelated male....
So, yeah, eventually I'll be candling Welsummers LOL.
My DH thinks I spend too much time on here
My husband always finds me at the computer when he gets home from work. He works 3-11, and once the kids are to bed, I finally get some time to myself. He always lays down on the bed and wants to know what "chicken drama" happened on BYC today.
My current hatch includes 16 Welsummers, currently ending Day 2. Since I have to wait a bit longer to candle these, it's going to be a loooooong incubation, LOL.
My goose eggs are on day 22 today, and Welsummer eggs on day 19- I candled the 4th goose egg( that I thought was not alive on Monday 4/7 and there were veins and movement
I am so glad I did not pitch that egg
I am so excited I can hardly wait
I would think you could find projectors cheap or at an estate auction- everyone uses power point not slides anymore- I am so glad I didnt get rid of ours- Justifies my junk collecting!