candling chicken egg


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jan 30, 2012

hi this is my egg at ay 14 of incuabion its not a good photo but i am just wondering is it a bad egg as i cant see no vains just all black PLZ HELP ME

thanks aaron
No, that looks good to me for day 14 of incubation. You're right that it's not easy to see because of a not-so-great picture quality. Maybe it's my imagination, but I think I see some veining along the top. When you're candling, try moving the egg very slowly and gently, and you may see some veining.

Here's a link to candling pictures that have been very helpful to me:
It looks pretty good. As the chick develops and grows the egg will start to appear black inside on candling. Try candling from the bumt end and you may see the chick moving :) (you may not)
thanks big help im keep you up to date thanks
iv just candled it again and i can see like a c shape (i started this egg incubation on the 17/1/12)

iv just candled my otha egg (18/1/12 started incubation) can i can see vains and i saw a foot it was so cute

but i didnt see the ssame on the first one :/

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