Candling photo day 5


Family owned, family run
10 Years
Sep 7, 2009
Florida - Space Coast
This is an Opal peafowl egg candled earlier today. Thought those new to hatching/candling might like to see a picture. It never gets old candling newly set eggs.

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Very neat! My oldest was just trying to figure out how to candle an egg a couple hours ago ( we need to know if it is a double yolk or not before setting eggs later today.)

He made the tube fit the egg, held the flashlight and couldn't see a thing. He moved to a darker room (pulled the curtains) and still couldn't see. We'll try after dark tonight.

So perfect timing! He now knows what to look for (minus the veining). Thank you!
wow that's only at day 5? i have some scovy eggs that i set about 4 days ago and can't wait to candle them and see what i've got! this is my first time hatching eggs so it is nice to see a pic of a candled egg
i know scovy eggs take 35 vs 28(?) days to hatch so should i wait longer before i candle them
i don't want to take them out of the incubator more than i have to due to the temp and humidity changing. since this is my first time i'm a little paranoid and nervous
i don't want to mess them up

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