Can't candle my Black Copper Marans eggs


9 Years
Mar 9, 2010
Yelm, WA
Well, today is 1/3 of the way through the set. I thought I'd try to candle the eggs, as suggested, but the brightest LED flashlight I have doesn't even BEGIN to shine through the lightest colored egg of the hatch. So, do I just leave them alone and hope they are okay? If any of them start to rot, am I going to smell it when I remove the incubator top to fill the water reservoir? This is my first time - I don't have any experience at this...
I'm a hatching noobie (my first hatch should start around the 13th) but I'll tell you what I did to candle.

I bought a rechargeable spotlight at Lowes. It only cost $9.99 and is rated as 500 lumens. I charged it up, turned it on, and put it back in it's box. I had already cut an egg sized & shaped hole in the box right above where the light bulb would be. Presto! A cheap, 500 lumen way to candle eggs.

BTW, I did not cut out a great hole. Depending on the egg size, some light escapes around the hole. 'll either try again on the other side of the box, or use some play dough to make an "egg cradle" and place it over the hole I have already cut. That should allow me to candle even better.
On eggs too dark or thick shelled to candle you can weigh them. Write down their weight on the day you set them. Weigh them every few days. You should see the weights go down until hatch day when they should be about 12% lighter than when they started. I did this and the one that didn't lose any weight turned out to be a clear.

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