Can't feed organic so...


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 21, 2008
what is the next best thing? Organic is too expensive for me as I can't find any local. I get my chicks in week after next(I ordered 26) any help would be appreciated!! Thanks!
The Sunfresh recipe from Purina is great. Its all vegetable, no animal proteins at all.
Our feedstore orders it for me (no extra cost) and last week my bags didn't come in so we bought them regualar layer pellets. They laid 2 eggs in 3 days. Gave the Purina as soon as it arrived, got 13 eggs in 3 days. They love their food and lay really well on it.
Your regular chick starter/grower will work just fine from the feed store. If you got your chicks vaccinated for cocci, make sure you don't get a feed with amprolium in it as it will nullify the vaccine. You can choose to go vegetarian or not, either way works. I personally use a feed that contains animal protein as chickens are omnivores. But if they free range, they can get that from bugs outside.

Best of luck with your chicks!!!
Yeah my chickens eat the Sunfresh recipe pellets but we buy them worms/crickets and then we suppliment their diet with shrimp
Well we have quite a few pounds of it in the freezer from before my bf stopped eating the chickens get it and LOVE it!
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