Can't Find a Likeable Treat!


7 Years
Apr 27, 2017
Tuscumbia, AL
This is crazy! I've read all these great posts about people giving their chicks all kinds of treats like scrambled eggs, yogurt, cut-up tangerine, or a favorite (or so it seems)...mealworms. My chicks won't touch any of these things. My 3 Golden-Laced Wyandottes are going to be 4 weeks old in a couple of days and I was so hoping I could train and make them happy with some goodies. I am feeding them chick starter, so I'm sure they have everything they need food-wise, but does anyone have any other suggestions? I'm loving my chick-a-poos!
Don't worry too much..they will be begging for treats before you know it.
Cut up grapes.
Ha, ha, I can imagine! My pet chicken Roxanne (my avatar, which is a painting I did of her and who is no longer with us) loved, loved grapes! Can't wait for the chicks to grow into treats. Thank you!
Ha, ha, I can imagine! My pet chicken Roxanne (my avatar, which is a painting I did of her and who is no longer with us) loved, loved grapes! Can't wait for the chicks to grow into treats. Thank you!
Awesome painting!
My girls LOVE grapes too.
Especially cold ones on a hot day!
Mine are like little garbage disposals! So far their favorite seems to be raisins, it goes full out Hunger Games in there when I toss those down. But they've loved all the fruit, veggies, and yogurt I've given them.
Mine are like little garbage disposals! So far their favorite seems to be raisins, it goes full out Hunger Games in there when I toss those down. But they've loved all the fruit, veggies, and yogurt I've given them.
Gosh, that's amazing! From everything I've read, that's how most chicks are. Maybe mine are late bloomers, lol!
Gosh, that's amazing! From everything I've read, that's how most chicks are. Maybe mine are late bloomers, lol!
When mine were little they refused everything..even eggs!
I think it is just the age.
Just wait.
I promise it will happen...

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