Canyou do 4-H with a chicken?


11 Years
Mar 9, 2008
Rhode Island
Im a junior in high school and I have three beutiful hens. I really want to get involved in FFA and 4-h but I have no idea how to go about it. My parents have no clue either. (im in RI)

Could anyone help me find some info online?
I'd suggest calling your local high school to see if they have an Ag teacher. If so, he/she will know all about 4H. If not, call city hall or the Chamber of Commerce and ask for the name and number of the local County Extension Agent.

Good luck!

Kathy in Texas

PS: 4H is a big deal around here. So big that the schools shut down when the County Fair takes place, because so many kids are showing animals (horses, pigs, cows, goats, turkeys, rabbits, and chickens).
Yeah I cheked out the FFA here in RI and my school doesnt have a chapter, so I cannot do that
Ill look into 4H
Contact the Extension office and ask them if they can tell you which local 4-H Clubs have a Poultry Group in their club. They should be able to provide you with a contact for the club/group. Have fun!

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