Careful with those heat lamps! Duck burned crest off...

Funky Feathers

former Fattie
11 Years
Jan 15, 2009
My Coop
My Coop
This is kinda funny, kinda not....the other morning I noticed this weird brown stuff on one of my crested white duck's crest. I thought: what is this?? I looked closely, then smelled it, and figured out what happened. We have a red heat lamp on at night for them, low enough to explain: this duck, in an effort to get warm, fell asleep with her crest touching the bulb, and OH SNAP, burned her crest off! Oh, No! I hope it will come back after she moults. But I must admit, it is rather humorous.
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I just noticed that with one of my chickens on her saddle had a mark. oh gosh... could you imagine if it caught fire?? So that lamp got raised up way high. Not so funny at the time but I can laugh now.
One of my hens, Mouse, did that. Her back feathers were all brown in the morning. That was the first and last time we used a heat lamp!
Luckily, feathers, hair and hoof are all made out of much the same material, and do not burn easily. If you've ever tried to hot-fit a shoe, you'll see how hard this stuff is to actually burn...though of course all bets are off if something, like hair, has something flammable in it like hairspray!

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