Cat Emergency..


11 Years
Mar 29, 2008
Ringwood area, NJ
My friend got laid off a few weeks ago, is carrying a mortage, and now her cat is laying around doing nothing. It is peeing and not pooping. Not really eating/drinking. It had hairball problems before but maybe impacted was an idea she had also. I am looking for your wise advice in all natural , home done, or cheap fixes. She will take the cat to the vet if nessasary and is calling now but I wanted to see if you guys in all your wisdom could help out. Could you give it a suppository? A whole one? enema? It has an enlarged heart and is not suited well to travel.
peeing everywhere?? UTIfection for sure...if its a hairball-pinapple juice -1 teaspoon if you can get it into the cat-eats the hair like draino in a sink!
Wait, is the cat peeing more than normal, or is it just peeing normally?

If it is peeing a normal amount, it may simply be constipated (with a hairball or just, you know, the usual
)... a tablespoon or two of canned pureed pumpkin (not the spiced pie filling, just get a can labelled pureed pumpkin) per day for several days will often help and is pretty much 100% safe. Most cats will eat it IME.

(Don't try to give the cat an enema unless you are a vet tech -- way too dangerous (to the cat I mean) -- and don't be tempted to try suppositories either, as cats cannot be dosed the same as humans or dogs.)

If the cat is peeing more than usual, there are actually a good number of things it could be , some of them fairly serious such as kidney failure, and it would DEFINITELY warrant a trip to the vet IMO.

Good luck,

Our Vet told us to feed pumpkin or squash, or get Laxare, hair ball remedy. Even giving a bit of Vaseline, wipe it on its paw.
Try playing with the kitty, staying a few minutes more and leave a TV on for a few hours of day, even a radio on a talk show or low key like that.
I have kitties that will not poop if I'm gone more then over night. At several points to the vets we would go, fluids and enema.
Its a snow ball situation when they are depressed.
Even talking to its owner on speaker phone, not right up close to panic the cat, but let it know "Momma" is still alive and coming home.
Also, does kitty have wet food? Add a bit of tuna juice or sardine to the food, mix it in- often kitties love it.
Try sitting with the cat while its eating its wet food, or try a bit of raw hamburg or slivers of steak- tiny tiny.
I have changed our cats over to the natural diet of INNOVA- you cannot really do this to someone else's cat, but it really brought Teddy to a new life, he can use the box easily.
Good luck and often playing with a string will bring up appetite and it will look forward to seeing you.

Sorry, I thought you was taking care of it, if its piddling everywhere a vet may be in order or at least a sample taken into the vet.
Also, it could be a sign of Urinary Crystals- when Teddy begins to show signs of them, he forces urine and it will be outside the box.
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Even giving a bit of Vaseline, wipe it on its paw

I was going to post this as well. Though I don't think vaseline is the healthiest choice. Crisco might be a better choice. But a cat will lick just about anything off the tops of its paws, it just can't stand it. There is also Hartz Hairball remedy that you can try.​
Peeing is normal...they are on their way to the vet, should be there now actually, she decided she couldnt wait. Thank God for credit cards, sort of. The pumpkin I had never heard of that. I was thinking of olive oil on paws. I have a feeling it isnt good for this cat whatever is going on, it is old and She lost her other cat last year. Maybe giving pumpkin on a reg basis would be good. I know I am going to try it for my cat, also the pineapple juice but I can not imagine the stinker (mine or really my daughters) will eat it. I am SUCH a dog person, no hairballs, no litter box... thanks God for Cat Genies. You can search it on Youtube and watch a video of what it does. quite amazing! Makes me almost want to keep a cat...umm nope! lol

Thank you everyone and we are still open to advise to keep the cat healthy once home.

Innova, I will have to look that up.
as a laxative.. OLIVE OIL will be absorbed by the body and will not help... mineral oil (vasline) the body doesnt abosorb it, it just passes right through, lubing up the intestines and slides out whats in its way.... do not use "food oil" (olive, corn, canola etc...)
also an enama might help a cat with a hairball/blockage.. the VET did it to my cat and it helpped..
Yes, certainly a *vet* can administer an enema, but a regular person shouldn't try.

Olive oil is not necessarily absorbed by the body btw. I had a cat some years ago who found, and of course promptly consumed, about 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil left in the bottom of a bowl of what'd been pasta. A while later... oh my goodness, you have not lived until you have had a distressed cat rocketing around the apartment with oily shooting diarrhea. It was HORRIBLE.

I would recommend pumpkin instead, have never had a bad experience with *that* with cats


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