Cat food thief = Dirty bottomed girl?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 29, 2008
My rhode island red has a loose stool with yellow in it. She otherwise seems fine. How serious is this? I don't know if I should let it run it's course (no pun intended) or try medicating. When I let her out to graze she helps herself to the cat's leftovers could this be contributing?
Cat food has something in it that is not really good for chickens. On the chicken treats page at the bottom, dlhunicorn has posted many links of scientific information about chickens. Cat food does contain a lot of protein, but it has too much of something that starts with an "m" in it that throws the balance of what a chicken needs way off. Do a search of cat food on the forum and look for dlhunicorn posts. Best wishes!

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