cat food/winter treats


5 Years
Apr 2, 2014
Central Massachusetts
I have an old bag of dry cat food and was wondering if the pieces are too big for my 18 week old chickens. I am afraid they will choke. Can I just sprinkle it in the run and not worry??

Also, it's getting cold in the mornings here in MA any good winter treats for them. A lot of people are talking about oatmeal. Can it be the flavored instant that has expired or should I get the plain oatmeal that I need to cook.

Thanks :)
Most commercial cat food is not going to pose any sort of choking hazard for an 18 week old chicken - they could (and will) swallow items far larger than that. Yes, you can sprinkle it out and not worry.
I am new to keeping chickens & have a pair of Silkie bantams. I have never heard about giving hens cat food, what do they get from the cat food & is it something they benefit from during the winter? What else is good for them during the winter months for feed?

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