Catching a possum with bare hands (vid link)

Wow, now I have dial up so I didn't watch the entire video as I have been watching it since 10:54 till 11:10 just to watch 52 seconds of it...dial up
All I can say is DO NOT let Miss_Jayne see this or you will give her ideas!! You are amazing R-R. I was sitting up close trying to see it when you were aproaching the steps then shooting back in my chair
Like it was going to get me?
Great video
Very very brave to be touching a wild animal like that (or at least in my mind)...Was something wrong with it that it was soooo s-l-o-w?? I thought they usually are smart enough to run off...I mean I know they 'play possum', but I didn't think you could just pick one up???

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