CENTRAL ARKANSAS: Copper Black Marans Cockerel


Sees What You Did There
11 Years
May 24, 2008
Central Arkansas
Sorry I don't have a better picture. This is a pretty, mid-July hatch, CB Marans cockerel that I'm culling from our flock. We're trying to go in a direction that will allow us to show the birds once they're APA approved, and this cockerel has a non-standard comb (it's got a "wave" in it, and poorly-defined tines). Otherwise, he's very pretty. Feather-footed, from Jean/Grisham lines.

I can't spare any pullets to go with him at this time, but if you take this guy, I'd be happy to give you a call when the birds start laying and provide you some chicks or fertile eggs to go with him.

Or you could use him over other breeds of hens to produce mixed-breed brown egg layers. As I understand it, over Easter-Egger hens, you'd produce layers of deep olive-green eggs.

Normally, he'd just go into the rooster pen to become dumplings (and still will, if no one wants him), but I figured since so many people are looking for improvement of dark brown egg color, I'd offer him for possible use in a backyard flock.


He's the one on the far left in this shot.


I was saying to myself, I was, Tina, dont do it, but I cant stop myself!

Ninja, I happen to know this is a great pic, and the effort it took to get this shot

Great Job!
I dont know about you, but I had one of the worst weeks in 17 years at my job just last week, I spent most of it in tears, and the one time I busted out laughing was picturing you trying to take this photo. It's the small things in life? Did I thank you??

I would take the little guy myself if I were closer, for the sheer fun of having him in the yard! I wish I could. Oh well, stew, soup or someones pet, it's destiny. And from an additional advertising perspective, he is not only feather legged, he is "fleet footed"!!!

Good luck on his sale!

(Dont Hate Me??)
HA HA--fleet-footed-feather-legged!

I'd be happy to give him to you if you were here, too.

I have 7 cockerels, and I'm sure I'll be culling more of them later on, but right now I just don't know who. I may wind up with two distinct groups that I breed from, which will then have their offspring crossed back to each other in future generations.

That's if I can convince my husband to build breeding pens.
Build Schmuild, get premaid dog kennels, tighten a few bolts, put boards across the top and cover with heavy duty tarps, put roosts and laying buckets inside, a nice layer of shavings, a tub of mixed DE, shavings, Sand, and Oyster Shell....and Oh, an Igloo doghouse for those chilly afternoons?? Quick fix til inspiration strikes the handyman!
This is actually how my birds live now, except their accomodations are a little more detailed and structured than that!
Ready made Breeding Pens!!!

I'd be happy to look into it, but to be honest, with the faulty comb, I don't think this one is worth the expense of shipping. The shipping charges would run between $40-50, most likely. If you want me to check it out, email me at ninjapoodlesATgmailDOTcom, and I'll send you some more pictures and you can decide if you think you want to go to that much trouble for a roo with a weird comb. Maybe ask in the breed forum if an "off" comb is very inheritable?
Thank you.... You are probably right.... If I am willling to spend on shipping.... then he should be at least breeder quality....I myself don't know about the defective comb being passed on to his progeny. I just wanted a black copper maran cockerel and did not think about the consequences. Again, thank you for being honest... Its people like you that make websites like this FUN, INFORMATIVE, AND TRUSTWORTHY.
If someone just wants to produce dark brown egg layers, he's perfect. But if you want to continue on with good specimens, I'd hold out for something without major faults.

And I'm such a newbie, for all I know, I'm getting rid of my best rooster and should be working around the comb issue. I have no idea!

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