Central Texas- I'm interested in pullets of the following- mille fleur D'Uccle, Sicilian Buttercup


9 Years
May 1, 2015
Leander, Texas
Hoping to add some babies this spring of some of these. Would love to find reputable breeders! Willing to pick up if within 2 hours distance.
Thank you!
What breeds are you hatching? I don't have an incubator but maybe I can find a friend who will help me out. :)
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Hello there! I have mille fleur d'uccles if you are still looking. I'm only on my 2nd generation, though. I've been breeding silkies and sizzles, and just got my first stock of porcelain and mille fleur d'uccles last year. I couldn't find breeders in our area either. I have some pullets that are 26 weeks old available, though.
Hello there! I have mille fleur d'uccles if you are still looking. I'm only on my 2nd generation, though. I've been breeding silkies and sizzles, and just got my first stock of porcelain and mille fleur d'uccles last year. I couldn't find breeders in our area either. I have some pullets that are 26 weeks old available, though.
Thank you for responding! Will you be having any chicks this spring? I usually like to raise mine from very young because they are pets and are pretty spoiled so I want to be able to love on them. :) I only have a flock of 8 and will be adding 4 or 5 this spring but all will be under 8 weeks.
I have rumpless tufted americaunas, hatchery quality, great layers. I can sell eggs or hatch straight run chicks for you we are about 1hr 30min. From you.

We have them plus bbs wheaton marans, buff brahmas LF, a few random hens and turkeys.
I am going to put them in the breeding pen with the roo around March or April this year. So there should be some available a few weeks after that. My hens were born relatively late in the hatching season last year, so their laying hasn't been super consistent yet. Being bantams, I'm giving them some time to fully mature and fill out some. By mid-spring they should be ready I think.
Thank you! I ended up with a few more chicks than I intended a couple of weeks ago so I think I am at capacity. If you get a double tufted rumpless though I may find room....;)
I know this thread is kind of old and Leander is kind of far from Waxahachie, which is where I am, but if you haven't found your Sicilian Buttercups yet, I have a beautiful little family. They are great layers with fantastic fertility and awesome hatch rates. :)
I know this thread is kind of old and Leander is kind of far from Waxahachie, which is where I am, but if you haven't found your Sicilian Buttercups yet, I have a beautiful little family. They are great layers with fantastic fertility and awesome hatch rates. :)
Would you be willing to sell just hens or pullets? How much do these hens weigh? I see you also have other breeds which I might be interested in. Appears you are about a 3 hour drive from us and we could drive there to pick them up.

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