Chachalacas -- Anyone know anything about them?


12 Years
Feb 11, 2007
Bellingham, WA
Hey all,

I've become very interested in Chachalacas, but can't seem to find a heckuva lot of information about them. Some particular things I was wondering:

1) Do they do well in captivity? Do they reproduce well in captivity? What sort of pen or aviary is necessary for them? What do they eat?

2) Do they get along with other poultry? Will they come home to roost at night like the chickens do?

3) Is it even legal to own them? Someone told me they were protected under the migratory bird act, but from what I can tell, they're not migratory.

4) Do they always lay white eggs, or do some varieties lay blue eggs?

Any info would be great, I would love to hear about people's personal experience with these birds -- if anyone has them!
1. They do well in captivity and will reproduce it given the right conditions. A large flight pen is best. We feed ours a mixture of gamebird pellets, softbill pellets, and fruit and veggies.

2.Ours have tried / killed other birds that we put in the flight pen with them. They will not free range, as they would fly away.

3. Some states may require a gamebird permit.

4. There are several types of Chachalacas, we have the Plain Chachalacas, which lay white / tinted eggs. In the USA if you find any for sale they are usually- the Plain or the Chaco types.




We're new to south Texas and just learned about Chachalacas. They are so noisy and plentiful in our backyard. I bought some week old chicks and four have gone missing. I was assuming a cat, since they disappear in the day time. Today I saw a chachalaca fly to the fence by the chicks and the chicks became very scared and ran inside coop. Does anyone know if Chachalacas eat small birds?

I've googled that question and it says they eat seeds, etc. and do kill other birds if they're in the same area.

Any feedback is appreciated. Tomorrow I plan to enclose them even more with poultry netting all above their area.

Thank you kindly,
Hello, I live in McAllen. I've been trying to find some chachalaca chicks for some time now. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you Fred Martin
hi yes they do well as pets it is like a chicken i have never raised one my self but i read a book about a laty that raised some i am waiting for next spring to raise one and study it behavior and how it is like chickens i will keep in touch are you wanting to keep one?

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