Chanteclers not laying yet...


10 Years
Feb 21, 2009
Weld, Maine
I purchased a batch of partridge Chanteclers last June and they have not started laying yet.
Does anyone have any thoughts as to why? Do they need extra time as they are a rare heritage breed? I have a light in their coop, so they get enough light. This is my first time raising chickens, so any advice would be helpful.
Do they go outside in a run? Do they free-range; how old were they when you bought them? One of my 9 month old pullets just started to lay steadily, so it may just take some time...
I got them as chicks (2 days old). They are totally free range. I coop them up at night so that they stay safe. I figured that because it took the roosters so long to start crowing that everything else (egg laying, etc.) would take a while as well. I am just a bit anxious to get some eggs!
I too have partidge chantecler. She was a trial to see how they were for cold climates.

She was 42 weeks 5 days before she laid. I had read they were slower to mature, but I wasn't expecting this. She has laid every day since she started and the eggers are much larger than starter eggs that I got from other breeds.

Hopefully it won't be too much longer and we both will have lots of eggs next winter.
I have CHantecler s and mine were a little older - May babies.
They started laying at about 26 weeks. And have been laying pretty nicely most of the winter.
Its not unusual for yours not to be laying yet. They will make up for it next winter.

do you have them on laying feed?

Hopefully they will start soon.


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