Charlie, ameracauna rooster, syracuse,ny


Jan 11, 2016
our 10 month old rooster needs a home.He has never shown any aggression to people but does not get along with 2 of my 7 layers.We were told he is purebred ameracauna; his sister lays light blue eggs.We love Charlie and will miss him but we don't have facilities to keep him separate.thank you very much.
Thank you very much. Charlie is very nice. My 14 yr old son wants to keep him but we don't have a separate living space for him.:) all the best to you.
If it helps, he is not an ameraucana, he is an Easter egger. Common misconception due to hatchery mislabeling. He is not "purebred" but a cross of an ameraucana. It may or may not make a difference if you are trying to find him a home ^-^

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