Chciekn with pussy eye and swollen face


7 Years
Hi a few weeks back, one of my roosters got a pussy eye (yellow pus), i cleaned it, but got sick, meaning i coundn't clean it. When i was well enough the rooster seemed to have go a pussy?swollen face too, next to his eye. he is healthy, crowing , eating and stayiny with his ladies. Please help me as he is a beloved pet..Here is a photo ...Click to enlarge (photo will be here in five minutes)
Poor guy! I don't have the answer, but someone more experienced should be along soon. Well wait, I do have a bottle of Vet Rx Poultry Remedy. Says it's good for "eye worm" cold, roup and scaly legs. I got it at Tractor Supply. Maybe something like that might help?

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