Cheap 12 egg incubator


5 Years
Oct 11, 2016
Hi, has anyone ever used this 12 egg incubator. What was your experience like is it any good or is it just a waste of time and money? Thanks :D
I have one similar to it. Mine worked great. It's the Magicfly 12. I've hatched 100+ eggs in it, lowest hatch rate was 90%.
I have the Brinsea mini 2 advance which I love because of how easy it is to use but as I've become addicted to hatching I dont think 7 eggs are enough. Might have to give this incubator a try. Thanks :celebrate
I have the Brinsea mini 2 advance which I love because of how easy it is to use but as I've become addicted to hatching I dont think 7 eggs are enough. Might have to give this incubator a try. Thanks :celebrate
I just upgraded to the NR 360, and it is amazing. Definitely worth every penny. Might be one to look into.

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