Checking sex of ducks


5 Years
Feb 14, 2016
I want to make sure I have two out of five male ducks before I drop the males off at my cousin’s house. The two ducks with the yellow arrows are what I am thinking are males. I have been suspicious of their sound since they were little and I believe these are drake feathers. They are a mix of runner & Ancona and they are 17 weeks old as of tomorrow, Friday.

I want to make sure I have two out of five male ducks before I drop the males off at my cousin’s house. The two ducks with the yellow arrows are what I am thinking are males. I have been suspicious of their sound since they were little and I believe these are drake feathers. They are a mix of runner & Ancona and they are 17 weeks old as of tomorrow, Friday.

View attachment 2760623
100% drakes those 2

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