so i picked up one of my chicks and he flew up on my chest, and when i went to grab him he plucked out my nose ring and ate it. i couldnt get it out of his mouth before he swallowed it. should he be okay?
I know someone who's hen pecked her diamond earring right off her ear. The hen was sequestered in a crate and the poop checked - the diamond was fine, but the gold post was mangled. The gizzard is a very powerful muscle.
The first thing we learned at school when working with exotic animals is to remove all 'hardware'. Recently, I went to a seminar about ostriches and we had a live lab. One gal thought leaving her tongue stud in would be okay. Well, she's not okay. An ostrich noticed that thing flashing, and with incredible accuracy reached over several feet, and grabbed that gal's nose and lips. The next few minutes were exciting as we managed to get the girl to safety. All of us were glad there was a fence between us and the ostriches as the entire herd would have come after us.
Anyway, your main concern is heavy metal poisoning. While the chick may pass the foreign object, some metal may leach into her system and cause weakness, seizures, loss of appetite and so forth. I hope the little gal is okay.