Chick attacked by Chicken Hawk


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 9, 2008
Northern Kentucky
Hello, I have a 10 week old chick that was attacked by a chicken hawk this morning. It tore the back end of her up pretty bad. I can see that the top layer of skin is gone and it looks like I can see her vent tube pulsing? She is still alive, but I haven't seen her try to move. My husband said to just let her die, buy I didn't know if it was possible to save her or not. This same hawk killed another chick last week. Let me know what you think I should do.
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I lost a mallard drake about a month ago to an owl when i resleased him. We all take a chance just by letting an animal outside.
I personally would put the poor chick out of it's misery because it is most likely going to get an infection if it has an open wound..

Good luck with the chick
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Personally (and trust me I am on your side) I would edit my post and erase certian parts....thats just me though.

Sorry about your chick .
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it just occured to me that you may want to put some blue kote (SP?) or some type of antibiotic on the wound to help it keep from getting infected if you are going to try to keep her alive. Also, if you can get a pic of the wound there may be other people on here who can tell you if the chicken can be saved
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Gonechickcrazy, I wish I could help but I'm new to chickens. I am so sorry to hear about your chick. I know how lost you feel right now. I would try to make her comfortable if you are unable to end any suffering and please understand one good thing about BYC is that everyone is very passionate about animals (thats what makes this such a great board), whether it be chickens, goats, dogs or any wildlife so please try to understand why some get upset. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
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I would use my best judgment on the issue if you feel the animal is past being able to help then I would say leave it up to mother nature to do the right thing. If you feel medical treatment will help the bird then i would not waste another moment I would treat it as if i was doctoring my child clean out the wound try to make sure infection does not set in . Bring it in doors and so on

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