Chick breed help


7 Years
Apr 3, 2017
We had three chicks hatch and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what breeds they think they might be. The black one is pure black with black feet too! This was my first hatch so I'm just so excited they hatched!!


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Congratulations on your hatch!

Where did you get the eggs? Do you have any idea of the parents?

Lots of chicks are black, and lots of them are chipmunk.

Without a better idea, especially if they are broody hatched from possible barnyard mixes, it is really hard to know.

They are a barnyard mix with possible Americaunas, Rhode Island Red, buff orpingtons, golden laced Wyandotte, silver laced Wyandotte, and Ancona. I just didn't know if there are certain markers for those breeds to look for or not.
EE's (unless black or grey) and RIR's will give chipmunk chicks.

Buff gold chicks

GLW and SLW grey chicks with gold or silver secondary colors

Ancona black.

Black is dominant, so likely Ancona is involved in the solid black chicks.

Completely dependent upon the other mixings as a number of them will give chipmunk chicks. Likely red based as gold with stripe.

My guesses.
Thank you!! I would love an Ancona. Really wanted a SLW but maybe next time I will buy eggs from a breeder to get certain breeds. This was my and my broody hen's first hatch so I'm just so excited that it worked! She's a Silkie and I had heard they were good mothers. So far, so good

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