Chick day!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 4, 2011
East Tennessee
Ugh.. So I went to my local Southern States today to get feed for the rabbits and the dogs. Well they had there brochure to order chicks. as they don't keep them in the store you just order from them but they come from Mt. Healthy. But I picked one up and have been looking at it. It is a really great buy. 25 chicks and a 50 pound bag of chick starter for $40.00. But I already have 26 cornish x and 10 norwegian Jaerhons. DO I REALLY WANT MORE CHICKS? yes I do. Do I need them? Idk.
I am Gregory and I have addiction to baby chicks!
Your not alone, I went into the feed store today and they were buy 12 get one free. So I walked away with 13, I'm such a sucker!!! I was only planning on getting 8. Now I have 13, and 10 more barred rocks and road island rocks being hatched for me. OH BOY!!!

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