Chick disease


Jul 23, 2018
I saw this strange behavior in my 5day old chick. She got a stiff neck and walking in circles. I thought it's a nervous disorder caused by Newcastle. I culled the bird . Nevertheless I would love to know what rest of us think and may be to help incase I face such a disorder among my flock.
It looks more like dactylariosis or congenital tremor. Both of which are rare but not as rare as Newcastle disease. Newcastle usually represents as droopy wings and slow leg movement. That's not what I see in the video.

Dactylariosis is caused by a fungus that affects the brain and lungs and the likely cause. Were these shipped chicks?

This thread is for the sale of chicks so you should probably ask an administrator to move the post to the forum -
You'll get more responses there.
Just click on the Report button at the bottom of your post and explain that it should be moved.
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If it is dactylariosis, it is the fungus inhaled from moldy litter. Prevention is to replace litter and avoid mold. The treatment is as you did, cull affected birds.
Where (what part of the world) are you located? Was the chick acting normal prior to now? Was the egg hatched at home? It looks like neurological symptoms, which can be due to wry neck or encephalomalacia, or it could possibly be dying from shipping stress. It is so hard to diagnose neurological symptoms. A vitamin/electrolyte tonic, such as poultry NutridDrench should be given orally up to a few drops daily.
Am in Kenya . The chick was so well, till morning when I checked on her and saw such crazy behavior. Got them from trusted hatchery.
Where (what part of the world) are you located? Was the chick acting normal prior to now? Was the egg hatched at home? It looks like neurological symptoms, which can be due to wry neck or encephalomalacia, or it could possibly be dying from shipping stress. It is so hard to diagnose neurological symptoms. A vitamin/electrolyte tonic, such as poultry NutridDrench should be given orally up to a few drops daily.
Sorry for your loss. If you see any weakness in any other chicks, I would offer vitamins with electrolytes and check for a pasted vent.
That sounds very similar to aspergillosis. Interesting.
Both caused by a fungus. It resembles in postmortem both aspergillosis and encephalomalacia.
Dactylariosis is caused by dactylaria gallopava. Aspergillosis is caused by aspergillus fumigatus. The symptoms are quite differernt though.

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