chick dust bath question

I have seen them "dust bathing" in the brooder not long after hatching!

:gig Chickens are so silly!

Plain old sand works fine for a dust bath
I would not use straight ash. Best thing would be to supply regular dirt or peat moss.

A week old should be fine.

Are you offering grit in a container for them to get as needed? They will need grit available if eating anything other than chick starter.
I haven't given them grit, except from clods of dirt/grass that they peck at. Do I need to buy something, or can I give them something from the yard? I have a lot of wood ash, should I not use it at all?
I use a mix of ash, DE sand and soil from the garden. They also have grit as free choice in a tiny container next to their food. They're also taken outside on "field trips" to the garden and yard to explore.

Side Note: I'm letting a Broody hen do all the dirty work next time. Have you ever had a chick bring you a large bug, pick it up and drop it looking up at you...then you realize they can't eat it in one bite and they're "asking" you to cut it up? I did, cringing, she gobbled it up and ran off for more.
Have you ever had a chick bring you a large bug, pick it up and drop it looking up at you...then you realize they can't eat it in one bite and they're "asking" you to cut it up? I did, cringing, she gobbled it up and ran off for more.

I am so glad that my older girls don't do this - they are mouse catchers and I think I would have to decline cutting up a mouse into bite sized pieces for them. It is traumatic enough watching them rip it to pieces while fighting over their mousy treat. I do appreciate their vermin hunting efforts though.

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