chick egg day 12


In the Brooder
May 9, 2017
Is this chick still alive? The shells are brown making it kind of hard to see veins and such. This is our first time hatching so I'm not really sure what I'm looking for other then growth and veins. I see movement in the other eggs but not this one? Humidity is at 51% and temp is at 99.5
So I can check it again tonight? This was last night. We have chick's and ducks going in the bator and all of the ducks are doing great I can see movement in everyone of them. Probably because the shells are white and easier to see?
Is this chick still alive? The shells are brown making it kind of hard to see veins and such. This is our first time hatching so I'm not really sure what I'm looking for other then growth and veins. I see movement in the other eggs but not this one? Humidity is at 51% and temp is at 99.5

It looks like a quitter to me. If it doesn't stink or leak you can leave it in if you are unsure. 51% is kinda high for normal elevations. Do you know how to check your air cells for proper development? I highly recommend low humidity incubation. Works on eggs as well, just use the egg pictorial for air cells. I use this method:

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